Dr. mary ann campbell
University of New Brunswick
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Research Interests:
Police Officer and Public Safety Employee Psychological Health and Wellness:
I have conducted a number of psychological health surveys of police organizations to inform senior leadership's strategic planning for promoting and supporting police employee mental wellness and resilience, which includes understanding the needs of their employees (civilian and sworn) and the organizational stressors that may be contributing to wellness challenges. A summary of these findings is always shared with the membership of the organization to ensure transparency and accountability with recommendations stemming from these wellness status checks. I also consult with police organizations about their psychological health and wellness strategies and organizational-level issues that can negatively impact on organization wellness.
Evaluating and Informing Applied Practice in Policing:
We have been engaged in diverse projects related to police practice, including risk appraisal (ODARA) and police response to intimate partner violence calls for service; police response to mental health crisis calls and co-responder models; police attitudes towards body-worn cameras; psychological factors involved in use of force decision-making; evidence-based strategies for interviewing complainant and witnesses; persistent offending and crime prevention program evaluation
Current Projects:
We have several projects currently in development or on the go with policing partners:
Evaluation of a collaborative police-mental health crisis response model, as well as developing a decision-model based on police officers response to mental health crisis calls relative to clinicians and the impact on decision processes when an officer is working with a clinician on such calls
Assessment of police attitudes and expectations of body-worn cameras before and after implementation, and identification of sources of variation in those views tied to demographic factors, work history, and organizational factors
Assessing the quality of interviewing practices for adult sexual assault complainants in the context of research supported information gathering interviewing and trauma-informed approaches
Profiles of female intimate partner perpetrators of intimate partner violence
Relevance of Current Projects:
My research has a common goal across all projects and that is to inform evidence-based practice in both correctional and policing contexts - Doing what works, at the right time, in the right way, and with the right people should be the goal of any organization that provides a service to the public and to ensure greater efficiency, training, and resource allocation for its people delivering that service. When research knowledge is used by those in leadership positions who can influence change and advocate for change, significant advances in policing practice can be achieved. Engaging police members and public safety staff in this research helps it remain relevant to their work environment and influences receptivity to the idea of a study and the findings of that study. Thus, I prefer partnership research.
Previous Projects working with Police: