Dr. irwin cohen
University of the Fraser Valley
Email contact:
Research Interests:
Crime reduction strategies, crime prevention strategies, the use and role of technology in policing, response models for calls for service, efficiencies of police policies and practices.
Current Projects:
Developing a profile of Dial-a-dopers
An Assessment of the Civil Protective Order Process and its Effectiveness in BC
Complexities of Investigating and Clearing Harassment Related Intimate Partner Violence Files
Identifying Trends and System Responses to Elder Abuse in BC
Antisocial Use of Imitation Firearms
Police Investigations of Intimate Partner Violence Strangulation Files
Policing interactions with Mental Illness
Developing an Effective and Efficient Police Response to Lower Priority Calls for Service
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Crime in British Columbia
Money Laundering Offender Typologies in British Columbia
Best Practices Inventory and Analysis of Hate Crime Reduction Policy Initiatives
An Evaluation of Situation Tables in British Columbia
Relevance of Current Projects:
All of my research is with police agencies in Canada, either as participants of the study or as a partner in the research. The research is very applied and directed towards police and policy-makers in the first instance, and academia in the second instance. The research focuses on answering questions and issues raised by police agencies, police leaders, or government, and the research reports are written in ways that are easily consumable by police.
Previous Projects working with Police:
Most recently, I have completed research on these issues:
Examining Police Protest and Conflict Liaison Practices in Canada.
An Examination of the Impact of Court Rulings on Police Investigation Time and Resources. An Examination of Police-Based Prolific Offender Programs and Teams in British Columbia.
Assessing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of School Liaison Officers in British Columbia: A Qualitative Study of School Liaison Officers and School District Administrators.
Abbotsford Police Department Diversity Survey.
A Proof of Value Evaluation of IBM’s Watson Explorer Software with the CFSEU-BC.
A Review of the Delta Police Department’s Analysts and Intelligence Section.
Public Safety Survey Report for the Niagara Regional Police Service.
A Review of the BC RCMP Hub. Report for CFSEU-BC. Potus Consulting.
A Review of CFSEU-BC’s End Gang Life Program.
I have worked with all of the RCMP detachments and Municipal Police Departments in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia as well as numerous RCMP detachments throughout the Province of BC. I have also worked with RCMP 'E' Division BC, the Real-Time Intelligence Centre of BC, CFSEU-BC, Victoria Police Department, and Niagara Police Department