Dr. krysta dawson
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Research Interests:
The incorporation of social network analysis in police investigations.
Current Projects:
Currently, I am working on a project in collaboration with Dr. Martin Bouchard from SFU on the evolution of the BC Hells Angels.
Additionally, I am developing a firearms seizure dataset for BC so we can analyze trends and identify potential patterns of firearm seizures.
I am also working on a projects examining the differences in homicide and non-homicide offenders networks; the role prison plays on expanding criminal networks; and the network trajectories of prison gang members.
Relevance of Current Projects:
My work helps inform investigations and provides up-to-date analysis of crime trends and actors involved.
Previous Projects working with Police:
Working at CFSEU, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of teams including OMG, End Gang Life-Gang Intervention and Exiting Program, illegal firearms, and anti-trafficking.
Some previous research projects include working directly with an investigation team where I applied social network analysis to a prominent gang within the Lower Mainland. Through SNA, I was able to provide insights on how the group was organized, areas to disrupt, and who the key players were within the specific network.
I have created a Journey of Firearm which showcased how a single firearm entered into Canada and was linked to 4 different events within BC, including a homicide.
I have also worked with the gang intervention and exiting program by helping set up the research side of their program and assisting in the analyses required for their bi-annual reports.